307 Redirection With AWS Lamda@Edge using Terraform

Lambda@Edge allows you to run AWS Lambda functions at Amazon CloudFront edge locations, enabling you to execute custom logic to modify HTTP requests and responses in real-time. A 307 redirection, ….

How to configure IP Allow List (whitelist) in AWS WAF

AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) is an AWS security service which protects web applications from various types of exploitation using AWS Managed and custom rules.  In AWS WAF you define a Web access control list (ACL) and then associate it (AWS WAF) with various AWS resources such as Amazon CloudFront, API Gateway, Application Load Balancer etc.

Schedule AMI cleanup in AWS accounts using CDK

Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) and underlying Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) Snapshots are often created automatically based on schedule or other automated process. Old AMIs that are no longer in use and left unattended for a long time can add unnecessary costs. Identifying and clearing up these unused AMIs and related snapshots manually is time consuming. This Serverless event driven pattern helps in identifying those unused images and snapshots and de-registers them on a scheduled basis. This helps in reducing snapshot costs.